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Saved by Karen Davis
on May 19, 2017 at 3:41:07 pm


Welcome to AP Lit, Seniors!




Class of 2018 Summer Assignment


Senior Exit Survey


Link to the Class of 2018 Summer Assignment



Contacting Ms. Davis:    kdavis@fortsmithschools.org  

                              OR     shsdavisapes@gmail.com

Link to College/University AP Score Requirements


Class Activities and Assignments :


Monday, May 1, 2017:  Some students were out of class for AP testing; students able to attend class reviewed strategies for successfully responding to the third essay prompt on the AP English Literature & Composition exam.  As homework, students are to continue reviewing information from the Awesome Packet.


Tuesday, May 2, 2017:  Some students were out of class for AP testing; students able to attend class reviewed strategies for successfully responding to the third essay prompt o the AP English Literature & Composition exam.  As the final night of AP English homework, students are to read through the Awesome Packet + any other material that they believe will assist them for tomorrow's test, and get a good night's rest.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017:  All AP Lit. students completed the national AP English Literature & Composition exam during periods 1-4.  Students in 6th and 7th period completed post-exam inventory sheets and celebrated completion of the exam.  There is NO homework in AP Lit. tonight.


Thursday, May 4, 2017:  All morning AP Lit. classes completed exam inventories and celebrated completion of the national exam yesterday.  Students in the afternoon class studied comedy as a genre.  As homework, students are to gather all books that remain checked out, check their ADHE funding status (if attending an in-state college/university), and gathering funds for final transcript and immunization record orders.


Friday, May 5, 2017:  Students who were not taking AP exams attended class and continued their study of comedy as a genre.  Students need to order final transcripts and immunization records if necessary, and check their ADHE funding status to accept or decline funds.


Monday, May 8, 2017:  Students who were not taking AP exams attended class and continued their study of comedy as a genre.  Students need to order final transcripts and immunization records if necessary, and check their ADHE funding status to accept or decline funds.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017:  Students who were not taking AP exams attended class to perform independent study and turn in books.  Students need to order final transcripts and immunization records if necessary, and check their ADHE funding status to complete application or accept/decline funds.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017:  Students who attended class reviewed semester exam information for the last time and checked their exemption statuses.  As homework, seniors need to order final transcripts and immunization records for their colleges/universities and personal use/record keeping.  Seniors also need to check their ADHE funding status to complete applications or accept/decline funds.


Thursday, May 11, 2017:  Students who were not exempt completed part one of the semester exam.  


Friday, May 12, 2017:  Students who were not exempt completed part two of the semester exam.



Archived AP Lit. Class Information


Weeks 35 & 36 (May 1-12, 2017)


Weeks 33 & 34 (April 17-28, 2017)


Weeks 31 & 32 (April 3-14, 2017)


Weeks 29 & 30 (March 13-16 & March 27-31, 2017)


Weeks 27 & 28 (February 27-March 10, 2017)


Weeks 25 & 26 (February 13-24, 2017)


Weeks 23 & 24 (January 30-February 10, 2017)


Weeks 21 & 22 (January 17-27, 2017)


Weeks 19 & 20 (December 19-20, 2016 through January 13, 2017)


Weeks 17 & 18 (December 5-16, 2016)


Weeks 15 & 16 (November 21-December 2, 2016)


Weeks 13 & 14 (November 7-18, 2016)


Weeks 11 & 12 (October 24-November 4, 2016)


Weeks 9 & 10 (October 10-20, 2016)


Weeks 7 & 8 (September 26-October 7, 2016)


Weeks 5 & 6 (September 12-23, 2016)


Weeks 3 & 4 (August 29-September 9, 2016)


Weeks 1 & 2 (August 15-26, 2016)

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