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Saved by Karen Davis
on April 27, 2017 at 4:16:40 pm


Welcome to AP Lit, Seniors!





The Awesome Packet


Poetry Practice Prompt     Short Prose Practice Prompt


R. Cory PLOTTSS Notes and Paragraph Example



Thematic Thesis Statement Formation




Contacting Ms. Davis:    kdavis@fortsmithschools.org  

                              OR     shsdavisapes@gmail.com

Link to College/University AP Score Requirements


Class Activities and Assignments :


Tuesday, April 18, 2017:  Students picked up information explaining how to order the group picture of the senior class that will be taken at 9:00 am next Tuesday, April 25.  Students received a scoring sheet and instruction from the teacher about how to score essays using the AP scoring guide and 9-point scale. Students then read and scored three essays.  The teacher and students then discussed each essays' strengths and weaknesses and shared scores.  As homework, students who have not turned in their synthesis papers are to continue revising and word processing their final copies which are due this Friday, April 21, 2017.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017:  Students read and scored three prose analysis essays.  The teacher and students then discussed the essays' strengths and weaknesses, and shared score estimates.  As homework, students who have not turned in their synthesis papers are to continue revising and word processing their final copies which are due this Friday, April 21, 2017.


Thursday, April 20, 2017:  Students reviewed six passages of AP exam multiple-choice--the passages used for practice over the past two weeks.  As homework, any student who has not completed the synthesis paper final draft must do so this evening, as the SYNTHESIS PAPER IS DUE TOMORROW.


Friday, April 21, 2017: Students turned in synthesis paper work and completed a four-passage set of AP exam multiple-choice practice questions.  There is absolutely no homework in AP English this weekend.


Monday, April 24, 2017:  Students who were in class reviewed the multiple-choice work from last Friday.  There is no homework in AP English this evening.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017:  Students in first period completed their final set of AP exam multiple-choice practice passages.  Students in all other classes worked on analyzing essay prompts and planning essays due to abbreviated time in class (advisory period).  Third and fourth period students who did not finish developing thesis statements for both essay prompts provided in class are to finish that work before returning to class tomorrow.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017:  All classes continued reviewing examples and strategies for tackling the first and second essay questions on the AP exam next Wednesday.  Students received 2 examples to construct a thesis and brief outline for--this work is due Friday.


Thursday, April 27, 2017:  Students in first period wrapped up their in-class discussion of first and second essay question review with strategies.  All other classes completed the final multiple-choice practice before the AP exam.  Students received copies of the Awesome Packet.  As homework, students are to complete the thesis statement/outline work for the two essay prompts they received in class yesterday (in first period those copies were received today and those students are to write a thesis statement plus one body paragraph for each of the prompts instead of an outline), and review information in the Awesome Packet.



Archived AP Lit. Class Information


Weeks 35 & 36 (May 1-12, 2017)


Weeks 33 & 34 (April 17-28, 2017)


Weeks 31 & 32 (April 3-14, 2017)


Weeks 29 & 30 (March 13-16 & March 27-31, 2017)


Weeks 27 & 28 (February 27-March 10, 2017)


Weeks 25 & 26 (February 13-24, 2017)


Weeks 23 & 24 (January 30-February 10, 2017)


Weeks 21 & 22 (January 17-27, 2017)


Weeks 19 & 20 (December 19-20, 2016 through January 13, 2017)


Weeks 17 & 18 (December 5-16, 2016)


Weeks 15 & 16 (November 21-December 2, 2016)


Weeks 13 & 14 (November 7-18, 2016)


Weeks 11 & 12 (October 24-November 4, 2016)


Weeks 9 & 10 (October 10-20, 2016)


Weeks 7 & 8 (September 26-October 7, 2016)


Weeks 5 & 6 (September 12-23, 2016)


Weeks 3 & 4 (August 29-September 9, 2016)


Weeks 1 & 2 (August 15-26, 2016)

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